

The CAPS research group was created in December 2010 by a small group of young researchers from the University of Murcia. As for today, the group is led by Manuel E Acacio and these are its members:



Research interest


Manuel E. Acacio (PI)

Full Professor Computer Architecture, Memory hierarchy,

Specialized accelerator design

meacacio at um.es

Alberto Ros

Full Professor Computer Architecture, Processor Design aros at um.es

Alexandra Jimborean

Ramón y Cajal Researcher Compilers, Software Analysis and Optimization,

Software-Hardware Co-designs

alexandra.jimborean at um.es

Antonio Flores

Associate Professor Computer Architecture aflores at um.es

Gregorio Bernabé

Associate Professor Computer Architecture, Distributed

Computing, Parallel Computing

gbernabe at um.es

José L. Abellán

Ramón y Cajal Researcher Computer Architecture, GPU desings,

Specialized accelerator design

jlabellan at um.es

Juan Fernández

Associate Professor Computer Architecture juanf at um.es

Juan L. Aragón

Full Professor Heterogeneous Parallel Systems, GPUs,

Application-specific Accelerators

jlaragon at um.es

Juan M. Cebrián

Assistant Professor Computer Architecture jcebrian at um.es

Juan Piernas

Associate Professor Fault-tolerant Distributed Storage Systems piernas at um.es

Pilar González

Associate Professor Computer Architecture pilargf at um.es

Ruben Titos Gil

Associate Professor Computer Architecture rtitos at um.es

PhD and PostDoc

The following researchers are working in the group:



Research interest


Adrián Fenollar Navarro

PhD DL Accelerators, Computer Architecture adrian.fenollarn at um.es

Agustín Navarro Torres

PostDoc Hardware Prefetching, BTB, Branch Prediction,

Application Characterization

agustin.navarro at um.es

Eduardo José Gómez Hernández

PhD Computer Architecture, Cache Coherence,

Memory Hierarchy, Multi-core Architectures

eduardojose.gomez at um.es

Emily Sillars

PhD Deep Learning Compilers, Static Analysis emily.sillars at um.es

Joaquin Ferrer Calderon

PhD Computer Architecture, Cache Coherence joaquin.ferrerc at um.es

Maithri Ranga Kulasekara

PhD Computer vision, Multimodal Fusion,  Artificial intelligence dm.kulasekara at um.es

Nicolás Meseguer Iborra

PhD GPU architetures, DNN Accelerators,

Computer Architecture

n.mesegueriborra at um.es

Pascual Abellán Pérez

PhD Computer Architecture pascual.abellanp at um.es

Ravikiran Ravindranath Reddy

PhD Software-Hardware Co-Designs

ravikiran.r.r at um.es

Shreya Alladi Subhash Chandra

PhD Compilers, Software Analysis and Optimization

shreya.a.s at um.es

Sebastián Sumin Kim

PhD Computer Architecture, Speculative Execution,

Memory Dependence Prediction

sebastiansumin.kim at um.es

Víctor Galindo Garre

PhD Cache Coherence, Computer Architecture victor.galindog at um.es

Víctor Nicolás Conesa

PhD Computer Architecture victor.nicolasc at um.es


The members of our group currently maintain active collaborations with the following international researcher groups:

Research group


Principal researcher

Synergy Lab Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) Prof. Tushar Krishna
Martonosi Research Group Princeton University (USA) Prof. Margaret Martonosi
Uppsala Architecture Research Team Uppsala Universitet (SE) Prof. Stefanos Kaxiras
CASPER IIT Bombay (IN) Prof. Biswabandan Panda
TIMA Université Grenoble Alpes (FR) Prof. Arthur Perais
Computer Architecture Group University of Cambridge (UK) Prof. Timothy Jones
Computer Architecture Lab (CAL) Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Prof. Magnus Jahre

Former members

During the last ten years, the following students sucessfully completed their PhD with us:


Award date

First Employment

Ashkan Asgharzadeh November 2024 Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Spain)
Sawan Singh November 2024 AMD Cambridge (UK)
David Corbalán Navarro June 2023 VOPTICA (Spain)
Francisco Muñoz Martínez December 2022 Intel Munich (Germany)
Epifanio Gaona January 2016 Vertebra Gestión (Spain)
Ana Avilés December 2014 Greenhost (Netherlands)
Antonio García-Guirado November 2013 Intel Labs Barcelona (Spain)